> Does it really make sense to create an internal package just to define a
> single small, one-off type?

It does "feel" like an overkill, yes. But it's one means of solving the
problem *today*.

Just to be clear; in offering this as a solution, I'm not saying that I'm
100% happy with the current state of affairs from a practical or style
perspective, but rather I understand that changing the status quo does have
(not inconsiderable) implications.

> Also, I don't imagine that any of the optimizations would need to be
> reconsidered; the scope is strictly a subset of the scope at which the
> optimizations operated before, so there shouldn't be any *new* optimizations
> that need to be made here.

I'm no expert on this question of optimisations, but I would guess inlining
is one area that would need some attention (if it's even possible).

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