2016. szeptember 23., péntek 8:23:58 UTC+2 időpontban Yulrizka a következőt 
> Hello
> I was watching Dave Cheney's presentation in gopher conf and was 
> fascinated.
> (btw he also wrote a blog post here 
> http://dave.cheney.net/2016/04/27/dont-just-check-errors-handle-them-gracefully
> )
> In some case, I can relate. For example when I'm working on quite large 
> codebase, Sometimes I found errors like
> "failed X: io.EOF" and the caller was about 5 level deep. That doesn't 
> help and sometimes it require me to trace the code.
> Sometimes we also wrap the error message to give more context such as:
> " Failed updating x: Failed processing feed: XML lint error: failed 
> getting XML: timed out"
> But still, sometimes this require me to trace the full stack to find out 
> where it was generated.
> Which got me to think, what was the design philosophy behind the error 
> interface? 
> why is there only a string and no call stack?
> How do you usually structure code so that the error message is then 
> meaningful? 

I use github.com/pkg/errors and print it with "%+v" if needed.
It includes a stack trace, wraps errors nicely, and keeps the original 
location, too.

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