On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 5:02 PM, Zachary Gershman <zgersh...@pivotal.io>

> Gustavo - it is not jus that YAML is well known, it is also widely used
> (as I even mentioned). It is a *standard *even though some may not want
> to consider it as such. If I can read xml in the stdlib why not yaml? And
> it is widely supported now but are you committed to supporting it for as
> long as golang is around?

Things don't need to be on the standard library for people to conveniently
benefit from them, whether widely used or not.

And I also don't need to commit my life to yaml. :)  The package is
Canonical's copyright and nicely licensed, and if we drop the ball someone
else can pick it up, as usual in open source. The fact we've been
maintaining it for years and it's widely used as you point out probably
means we're not doing such a bad job, though.

gustavo @ http://niemeyer.net

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