If you believe there is an issue which is not being addressed properly,
please use the procedure at https://golang.org/conduct#reporting.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 12:22 PM <prades.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All I see here is nothing is done to moderate /r/golang despite threads
> being reported for harassment. What good is a code of conduct if it isn't
> enforced ? and when enforced , moderators have to come here to apologize
> for doing their jobs, like Sarah ? If you don't want me to bring /r/golang
> here, then do something about /r/golang because what is happening there is
> an embarrassment to the go community.
> Le vendredi 4 novembre 2016 14:21:24 UTC+1, Thomas Bushnell, BSG a écrit :
> This list doesn't need to be a place to copy /r/ to. Please refrain from
> public denunciations and speak privately with those you wish, and... Follow
> the code of conduct if you believe a more formal response is called for.
> Thomas
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016, 6:17 AM <prade...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  then labeling someone's thread as "bullying" (a pretty serious charge
> in todays climate).
> Well now the target of the latest witch-hunt /u/gernest_ has responded on
> /r/golang, the previous thread that I linked I quote "broke his heart" , so
> you can't deny something is definitely wrong here :
> https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/5b2j38/what_is_idiomatic_go/
> > After the WTF moment. I calmed down and just realized what few innocent
> words can do. They broke my heart.
> > I'm confused, and definitely heart broken.
> AFAIK the original thread is still up on /r/golang , how long is the go
> community going to allow this kind of things ?
> Le vendredi 4 novembre 2016 06:49:07 UTC+1, andrewc...@gmail.com a écrit :
> I would also like to point out the extreme hypocrisy of saying Aram's
> comment is  "unnecessary and insensitive" then labeling someone's thread as
> "bullying" (a pretty serious charge in todays climate). Both of which I
> would consider worse insults than saying someone has bad English. If i was
> on the censorship panel I would almost certainly issue you a warning for
> those.
> On Friday, November 4, 2016 at 6:03:53 PM UTC+13, prade...@gmail.com
> wrote:
> That's not up to you to judge if some comment is "harmless" or not.
> Because you're not the person the comment has been directed at. Something
> that might seem "harmless" to you might be perceived as insulting to
> someone else. Aram's comment was unnecessary and insensitive to say the
> least, it doesn't matter if he is an important contributor to Go or not. If
> they are rules they apply to everybody equally or they don't, that's what
> rules are for. Frankly Sarah shouldn't have apologized for anything, she
> did exactly what she was supposed to do in this case. It doesn't matter how
> sizable Aram's contribution is, it doesn't preclude him from showing a
> little bit of respect.
> Right now /r/golang is engaged in yet another bullying campaign against
> another individual on this thread :
> https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/5ayvws/github_stars_are_no_more_a_valid_metric_for/
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fgolang%2Fcomments%2F5ayvws%2Fgithub_stars_are_no_more_a_valid_metric_for%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGHN8paFXPhQinNGM31RbPhuy63mA>
> (archived here : http://archive.is/znqJg )
> Just because that person has written "a non idiomatic framework" .?
> Someone is being labelled at "a marketer with a crappy product" . Is it
> what moderators here call "a respectful environment" ? the thread is still
> up as we speak. This has happened before with Martini, then Iris , now
> utron. That's how the go community wants to grow ?
> Le jeudi 3 novembre 2016 01:38:43 UTC+1, Paul a écrit :
> I just discovered this thread. I used to be an avid reader of Golang-nuts
> mailing list, also of Golang-dev and I am in disbelief at what it has come
> to recently.
> Aram Hăvărneanu is a very important contributor to the Go Language
> Project, I feel embarrased on behalf of the of the Go Language Project
> about how he has been treated. This is not OK, and this needs to be very
> clearly stated.
> This overreaction of your "code of conduct" moderator is beyond
> rediculous, to Arams very harmless statement about someones english
> language skills. I mean come on ...  Arams sentence is so non-lethal and
> tame that it is mind boggling that he should find such alienating
> reproachment to me. Especially after all of his valuable contributions.
> That it happened because of something he said on Redit just makes it so
> much worse.
> If you should loose (and it looks like you have) such an important
> contributor because of your nonsensical and rediculous  COC moderation
> system, then  this system of yours has just completely and utterly failed
> and it should be abandoned immediately till a more suitable solution can be
> found.  It will not do that someone who is obviously not engaged enough or
> mature enough to excersize proper human judgement and care in such a
> situation is left to cause such harm as this. And thats my opinion, now you
> can ban me from your list for saying that if you want to.
> p.s
> Just to put things into perspective, I find Linus Torvalds exercise of
> freedom of speech utterly refreshing by comparison (and significantly more
> edgy), its such a breath of fresh air compared to what you are doing here.
> And Linus gets results as you all know, just remember his action against
> Nvidia and the waves it created. I am still chuckling about it even today.
> I know some very delicate personality's will disagree with me on this, but
> maybe they are in the wrong business to begin with. Software developement
> has never been for the faint hearted.
> Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 1:36:23 PM UTC+2, Aram Hăvărneanu wrote:
> I have received a very insulting and distressing e-mail from Sarah
> Adams, who claims to represent the The Go Code of Conduct Team, an
> illicit bully organization who claims authority about what Go
> contributors think and say outside the Go mailing lists. I do not
> recognize this group's legitimacy in these matters.
> The e-mail says:
> We received a report about your comment on this thread
> https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/57w79c/why_you_really_should_stop_using_iris/d8wdynd
> :
> "Their English was so bad I couldn't understand what was
> going on".
> This comment goes against our community Code of Conduct,
> https://golang.org/conduct. The comment is not respectful,
> and would have been more productive just as, "I couldn't
> understand what was going on".
> Please consider this a warning from the Code of Conduct
> working group.
> Some more context is necessary. There is someone in the Go community
> who literally steals other people's code, receives money for it,
> and actively tries to covers his tracks.
> A person named Florin Pățan provided an overview:
> [1]
> http://www.florinpatan.ro/2016/10/why-you-should-not-use-iris-for-your-go.html
> which has been discussed on reddit:
> [2]
> https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/57tmp1/why_you_should_not_use_iris_for_your_go_projects
> .
> Reddit also discussed this thief's action in another thread:
> [3]
> https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/57w79c/why_you_really_should_stop_using_iris/
> I have archived these documents here:
> [1] http://archive.is/9oN1A
> [2] http://archive.is/Q36G5
> [3] http://archive.is/aSFUg
> The comment in question refers to this GitHub issue, also archived:
> [4] https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go/pull/1137
> [4] http://archive.is/7xgc7
> Now take a look at what I said, and what Sarah Adams in her
> infinite arrogance suggests I should have said:
> Aram: Their English was so bad I couldn't understand what
>      was going on
> Sarah: I couldn't understand what was going on
> If you compare these two phrases: you can see that the problem Sarah
> Adams has is with "their English was so bad".
> In other words, Sarah's problem is with speaking the objective
> *TRUTH*.
> Whether someone speaks good or bad English is an objective fact
> easily determined by anyone who speaks English at some level of
> proficiency. I encourage all English speakers to take a look at [4]
> and do an individual assessment of the level of proficiency in English
> those sock puppets possess.
> I will not be policed around for telling the *TRUTH*. I will not
> be silenced into political compliance. I will not tolerate other
> people who tell me what is acceptable to say, especially when these
> people only want to hide the *OBJECTIVE TRUTH*.
> The comment is not respectful
> Damn right it wasn't. You or your organization has no authority
> mandating how respectful my speech is. What level of arrogance.
> However, it was not disrespectful. It was an objective assessment
> of an *infractor's* level of English competence.
> I owe nobody respect. Certainly not someone who breaks the law and
> steals other people's intellectual property. Respect is earned.
> and would have been more productive just as
> Ah, yes, here you can see in action the new-age practice of corporate
> double speak applied to open source projects. This is not Google.
> You are not fooling me or anyone else who still has a grain of
> independent thought left.
> This is a pathetic and disgusting attempt of silencing independent
> contributors who still refuse to kneel after your coup d'état in
> which you managed to replace the Go technical governance with a
> thought police political organization vassal to Google.
> In some sense, you have succeeded. I will never yield to you, you
> can never silence me, but you certainly made me realise that my
> association with the Go project is a mistake and a liability. I do
> not want to be associated with your organization, even accidentally.
> When I contribute to Go, I only make you people stronger. In fact,
> this is your modus operandi; you rely on people who do the actual
> technical work (either as part of the Go team, or as contributors)
> in order to gain more support for your cause. To gain legitimacy.
> To claim authority.
> I cannot remove the code I have contributed to the Go project over
> the years, but I can certainly stop contributing as an individual
> in the future. I will make sure, best of my ability, that any
> competent individual or organization who is evaluating Go is made
> aware of who is actually pulling the strings here, and what they
> are getting into.
> Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go
> project has succumbed to! And newcomers need to be aware of that.
> You are luring people with technical arguments and weed them with
> political correctness. Your propaganda machine is strong, but not
> infallible. Just like all good propaganda, you rely on a majority
> of true facts to hide you agenda and falsehoods. Yes, your technical
> preaching is truthful, and that is the best disguise for your dark
> agenda of manipulation, control and deceit.
> But you are not fooling everyone, you are not fooling me. I will
> not be controlled by a neo-puritan organization.
> If there's anyone left who still has the power and courage to say
> no to these bullies, consider who you should prosecute:
> 1) a thief who makes money from stolen intellectual
>   property
> 2) someone who realized the thief's command of the
>   English language is so poor, he cannot be understood.
> Thank you.
> PS: I suspect it's the thief himself who reported me to your
> organization, and because your extrajudicial court works so well,
> you have managed to sentence the wrong person.
> --
> Aram Hăvărneanu
>   Go contributor
>   Not a thief
>   Critical thinker
> --
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