On Friday, November 4, 2016 at 8:22:49 PM UTC+1, prade...@gmail.com wrote:
> All I see here is nothing is done to moderate /r/golang despite threads 
> being reported for harassment. What good is a code of conduct if it isn't 
> enforced ? and when enforced , moderators have to come here to apologize 
> for doing their jobs, like Sarah ? If you don't want me to bring /r/golang 
> here, then do something about /r/golang because what is happening there is 
> an embarrassment to the go community.

As a recent moderator for /r/golang, I want to apologize for not strongly 
enforcing the CoC.  I continued to view myself as only a content provider. 
My lack of action is due to not wanting to be the center of attention for 
removing posts and being targetted by trolls. I see now that at least twice 
recently my inaction has lead to harmful threads and for that I'm sorry. 
 I've reached out to the /r/rust moderators for advice on how to handle 
moderating a technical subreddit, and have gotten some good advice.

In the past, moderation on /r/golang been lenient to non-existent.

I will begin moderating /r/golang under the CoC and taking more actions on 
CoC violations.  Russ Cox and I are looking for people who have the time 
and desire to help while we make this transition.


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