
I am wondering how i could compile html template against well-known 
to get better performance of it, but keep maintainability and security at 
high levels.

See this template 

And this implementation against its well known structure

My benchmark shows an awesome performance increase

$ go test -bench=.
BenchmarkRenderWithTemplate-4          30000         56485 ns/op
BenchmarkRenderWithFast-4            2000000           968 ns/op
ok      command-line-arguments  4.989s

But i don t feel like doing it by hands... Possible, but its an hard time 
of maintenance and production.

I hope and would like to have a program that would take a template and a 
struct in input, 
and produces a func or struct (whatever) in output.

So I wonder if anyone could provide some tips and hints about automation of 
such work,
for instance i don t have any other clues other than getting wetting my 
feet into the ast tree and playing with go generate.


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