On Tuesday, 20 December 2016 13:07:05 UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
> That s interesting too, but it kills all the flexibility provided by 
> template package.
> I mean, the button component i used as an example totally fits your DSL 
> approach, 
> but, this component extremely well defined in terms of both go structure 
> and html structure,
> is quiet limited, IMHO.
> See this template, do i really want to declare div and class and all with 
> go code,
> which will be twice more longer to write and infinitely more static ?
> The component approach serve a great purpose of re usability, 
> and two specific things, translation, error management.
> Besides that it s a burden to develop.... TBH. So i would rather not do it 
> all in go, neither do it all in template.

Sure, use whatever makes most sense to you.

... but, I think the implementation might be easier than statically 
compiling the standard templates.

Two examples how the final could look like:
* https://play.golang.org/p/L8KbfDV_pV
* https://play.golang.org/p/8H8Zw1SPPg

> {{define "app/login"}}
>       <form name="login" method="POST"
>       action="{{.Component.PostUrl}}"
>       post-notify=".custom-expander-notifier"
>       class="custom-js-form-ajax">
>         <div class="mdl-card mdl-shadow--4dp" style="width:100%;">
>           <div class="mdl-card__title">
>           {{.Component.Title.Render}}
>           </div>
>           <div class="mdl-card__media">&nbsp;</div>
>           <div class="mdl-card__media
>             mdl-color--blue-grey-50 failure
>             custom-js-expander custom-expander custom-expander-notifier
>             {{if .Component.Failure.Error}}is-expanded{{end}}
>             ">
>             <div class="mdl-card__supporting-text
>             mdl-color-text--primary-dark
>             custom-expander-container">
>               <div>
>                 <span class="failure-text custom-expander-message">
>                   {{.Component.Failure.Render}}
>                 </span>
>                 <br/>
>                 {{.Component.TryAgain.Render}}
>               </div>
>             </div>
>           </div>
>           <div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
>             {{.Component.Username.Render}}
>             {{.Component.Password.Render}}
>           </div>
>           <div class="mdl-card__actions" style="text-align:right">
>             {{.Component.Submit.Render}}
>           </div>
>         </div>
>       </form>
> {{end}}
> On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 12:48:36 PM UTC+1, Egon wrote:
>> On Monday, 19 December 2016 13:04:23 UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> hi, thanks. 
>>> tbh, i m not sure i feel like i want to do php-like dev in go. 
>>> I m not even certain that the apparent gain in flexibility and speed of 
>>> development really worth it. 
>>> Guts tell me this is like giving the wrong tools to the wrong worker to 
>>> do the wrong job. 
>>> A front end dev won t really benefit of such powerfull templates, and it 
>>> could probably 
>>> give him way more hard time than benefits, a backend dev does not really 
>>> benefit of such 
>>> intrusion of his code into the presentation layer, he usually is not so 
>>> good in design.
>>> Also, i don t think it helps to solve the general problem of go with 
>>> templating, 
>>> express similarities but yet avoid duplication, when you develop a 
>>> backend 
>>> you have hundreds of pages very similar to each other, a table of users 
>>> or a table of blog posts 
>>> its a table after all, except those little differences in the number and 
>>> types of column, 
>>> which go really is not good to manage, because their are totally 
>>> different according to its type model. 
>>> Giving more responsibility and power to the presentation, to me, really 
>>> does not sound to be a way to solve that.
>>> Recently i worked on a component oriented approach with a clear 
>>> separation of concerns 
>>> between the client and server domains, i found it was a good fit between 
>>> all parameters i identified 
>>> and felt concerned with.
>>> yet i guess we agree to say its a waste to loose so much machine 
>>> resource 
>>> with the current implementation of templates, even though, 
>>> and as often with go, there are lots of great and awesome properties in 
>>> it.
>> Just a note, you can also think of working with a custom DSL, rather than 
>> working with templates or io.Writer directly... e.g:
>> type Table struct {
>> Rows []struct{
>> Cells []ui.Renderer
>> }
>> }
>> func (table *Table) Render(w ui.Writer) {
>> defer w.Wrap("table")()
>> for _, row := range table.Rows {
>> w.Start("tr")
>> for _, cell := range row.Cells {
>> w.Start("td")
>> cell.Render(w)
>> w.End("td")
>> }
>> w.End("tr")
>> }
>> }
>> type CustomLink struct {
>> Name  ui.TextContent
>> ID    ui.ID
>> Class ui.ClassList
>> URL   ui.URL
>> Disabled bool
>> }
>> func (link *CustomLink) Render(w ui.Writer) {
>> if !link.Disabled {
>> defer w.Wrap("a")()
>> link.URL.Render(w)
>> } else {
>> defer w.Wrap("span")()
>> }
>> link.ID.Render(w)
>> link.Class.With("my-custom-link").Render(w)
>> link.Name.Render(w)
>> }
>> + Egon
>>> On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 8:11:51 AM UTC+1, Aliaksandr Valialkin 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Take a look at https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate . Though it is 
>>>> incompatible with template/html sytax, it provides static template 
>>>> compilation, high performance and go-like syntax.

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