On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson
<thorsteinss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you realize that the Go lang devs themselves are not actually in
> agreement about the original motivations for constraining the language in
> this way. Some quote some one true K&R style, while it is in fact this is
> not K&R style, other quote some dubious statistics on programmer habbits
> with code blocks, and yet other quote that it's just to help the Go-lang
> compiler meta-compile statement delimiters ";".  All this confusion and
> effort for nothing, and all the while ignoring some real bad programming
> habits, I guess in the name of liberty... or one day they will eventually
> arbitrate what is good and bad in those areas too.
> Could it be that Go lang devs created an inflexibility, a storm in a
> tea-cup, for no real good reason. Such things have happened in software
> before.

I doubt there is any significant disagreement among the core Go
developers about the gofmt choices for brace placements.  The reasons
are 1) it doesn't matter, gofmt just has to make a choice; 2) the
choice works well with lexical semicolon insertion.


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