Without apologies, I am linking to the official Google survey... LOL

What changes would improve Go most ?
    #1. 572 (16%) generics


Whoops ;)

So you mean that 16% of us are so stupid we don't want to copy paste the 
code and adjust it, or use slowinterfaces ?

Btw, just a silly question, but I wrongly assumed that a direct call to 
instantiated type-specific code was much faster than an indirect call to an 

So you mean that  the following code is much faster than type-specific 
code, right, and therefore this is the adviced way to format variables ?

var i interface{} = 23
fmt.Printf("%v\n", i)


OMG, that's really great, thanks !!! Because it was quite error prone to 
copy-paste the repeated code and adjust it manually. Thank you so much, you 
made my day :)

I was so stupid, thanks for showing my the right way to optimize reused 

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:02:04 AM UTC+1, Shawn Milochik wrote:

Without apologies, I am linking to a post I wrote seconds ago regarding 
> generics. 
> It applies here equally. Perhaps more so, since the percentage of 
> brace-complainers is a tiny fraction of the percentage of generics-whiners:
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/hQiZsd1ZRdA/DSgV7CX7BwAJ

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