Asked and answered many times in this group and in another popular Go forum:

Another collection of Go frameworks, tools, packages (libs) can be found in 
the following GitHub repo:

There are a lot of good frameworks, if that's what you want, but jumping 
into a framework when you're just learning Go may be premature, especially 
since Go has such an extensive standard library.

If you do use a framework, the one that is "best" is the one that is not 
only well supported, but appeals to your own development philosophy.  Just 
because a framework is popular, doesn't mean it will be a joy for *"you"* 
to use, or even fit your particular use case.

My first foray into frameworks for Go was the, at the time, hugely popular 
"Martini" web framework.

It was by far the leader in web frameworks when I first started with Go. 
 However, even the author of that framework later wrote a blog post 
admitting that he created Martini when he was not a proficient Go 
developer, that the design was not idiomatic Go, and it should probably not 
be used.

Below is a link to the article that prompted the above blog. (The original 
link in the blog post does not seem to work):

Today, there are better alternatives, but you have to research them; there 
is no "best".  With regard to the list of frameworks you've come up with 
already, there's one I wouldn't touch, one that I think is too bloated, and 
one I might consider.  Again, these are for personal reasons, so I suggest 
you learn Go more fully before making a decision.

Kevin Powick

On Saturday, 9 September 2017 19:51:40 UTC-4, Tim Uckun wrote:
> I am in the process of learning go and decided to do it by writing a 
> (mostly) API based web site. I have been doing some research and have found 
> the following.
> Revel:
> GoBuffalo: 
> <>
> Iris: 
> <>
> In addition there are "toolkits" like chi and buffallo but it looks like 
> eventually I will need pretty much all the things these frameworks provide 
> and there are so many competing projects that provide logging, 
> configuration, routing, middleware etc that it would take me a long time to 
> do all the research and find the ones most suitable for me.
> I understand that there is quite a bit of controversy with iris so I 
> probably won't go with that one but does anybody have any experience with 
> the others they are willing to share?

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