I really wish Go had not chosen to propagate Hoare's billion-dollar
mistake. I do realize it's all tied up with the idea that initialization is
cheap and zero values should be useful when possible, and therefore
pointers, interfaces, channels, etc. need zero values.

I wonder how different Go would have been if we had required all pointers
and interfaces (only) to be initialized, and made the zero value for maps a
writable empty map. In cases where nil pointers and interfaces are useful,
it seems to me that sentinel values would serve the purpose equally well.
For example, comparing errors with (ok) would be (one character) shorter,
more meaningful and less confusing than comparing with nil, which can be so
confusing for newcomers that we have an FAQ for it. Few would be surprised
to find (e != ok) when (e == (*myerror)(nil)) -- and if there were no nil
pointers, it wouldn't even be a valid question to ask. We could still use
pointers as stand-ins for Optional types, just with sentinel values like
sql.NullInt64 to serve the purpose nil does.

I know this is likely a non-starter for Go2, for good reasons - virtually
all Go code would need significant, probably manual refactoring, and
interoperability with other languages would suffer, to name two that come
to mind.

I think what I really want is Haskell plus all the benefits Go has relative
to it, including Go's incredibly simple language spec, standard library,
short compile times, etc. Is that too much to ask? :-)

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 9:30 AM <oju...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This thread helped me to understand better the current scenario and the
> implications of a future change.
> I would be glad to recognize if this conversation had changed my mind, but
> it didn't.
> Some programmers discovered that they could use this "valid nil interface"
> to do some smart tricks, as Jakob kindly has shown. While I do recognize
> that was indeed smart, Jakob offered another easy way of attaining the
> desired effect for his constructor. It would be pretty easy if he had to
> code that way to begin with.
> I consider unfortunate the fact that I can't safely use an interface where
> previously I used a pointer. To me, at least, that is a natural
> evolutionary path for a piece of software as soon as the developer discover
> opportunities to leverage the commonality of an interface. I think such
> possibility would be more broadly useful than what we can do now.
> Go has a bunch of interesting tricks and useful idioms, but this trick is
> proving costly.
> Thanks to everyone.
> --
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