Wasn't Sqlite compiled to Go or something? I remember some news about it, 
using C to Go compiler. 

As for the C toolchain for Go, the easiest way to get started on Windows is 
to install MSYS2 and use pacman to install GCC 64 and then libs like 
sqlite2 .

Le mercredi 21 février 2018 21:49:50 UTC+10:30, Jonathan Yu a écrit :
> I develop Go on Windows 10, and it's bearable, but not great. There are 
> missing features (IIRC, plugins only work on Linux/Mac OS) and the lack of 
> a C compiler toolchain can cause problems too (e.g. I couldn't install 
> SQLite as it's a Go binding to C code, and I don't have GCC configured. I 
> guess I could've spent more time figuring out mingw32 but I just gave up.)
> I do think Visual Studio Code and Go (whether on Windows or Linux) is a 
> decent experience especially for simple programs that might be typical in a 
> course. That said, Linux experience is probably a good idea for students in 
> general as that's where the industry seems to be moving (at least in the SF 
> Bay Area.) Students might do well to have exposure to both as it means 
> they're not relying on central infrastructure, which might get overloaded, 
> particularly when it gets close to assignment deadlines.
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 5:51 AM, Dick Seabrook <dick.s...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I'm putting together a 3-credit introduction to the Go programming 
>> language at 
>> the community college level. I will create (as a minimum) syllabus, 
>> outline, 
>> lecture notes, handouts, assignments, projects, quizzes and final exam. I 
>> will
>> probably start with the Donovan & Kernighan A-W 2015 text.
>> Prerequisite: familiarity with personal computers and at least one 
>> programming
>> language, preferably C.
>> I'd like to set it up in a shared Linux environment although I'll be 
>> teaching
>> exclusively in Windows 10 labs. Fortunately we've got a large Linux VM on 
>> campus
>> so the Linux base is do-able, however is there any value in teaching Go on
>> Windows 10 natively?
>> Any thoughts or suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Dick S.
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