I don't understand why you are saying this after how many times so many 
people have pointed out that

  while Condition() { ... }

is expressed as

  for Condition() { ... }

The for statement with a single clause IS a while loop. You can make it 
explicit by putting semicolons on each side of the condition expression but 
it's not necessary.

The only thing you can't do without an if statement at the end of a for 
statement block is exactly

  do { ... } while Condition()

style 'run once before condition check.

Which has to be done this way:

  for {
    if Condition() {

and for { ... } is equivalent to while true { ... } infinite loop (notice 
how it's shorter?)

On Sunday, 13 May 2018 11:34:10 UTC+3, Hugh Fisher wrote:
> On Sunday, May 13, 2018 at 1:20:16 AM UTC+10, matthe...@gmail.com wrote:
>> It's certainly diverged from my original post, which is why I'm staying 
>>> quiet.
>> I was hoping to get back on track after you sent this so you’d want to 
>> participate.
> I still think a while <condition> { ... } loop would be a worthwhile 
> addition, for the reasons I've already given.
> However I don't see the need for an "at least once" do { ... } while 
> <condition> loop, and even less need for more exotic loop constructs. So I 
> really don't have anything more to add. Thanks for replying to my original 
> post.
> cheers,
> Hugh Fisher

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