I'm working on code that signs a message with an ed25519 key.

I expected that when signing the same message over and over, I'd get a 
different signature each time.

But I find when I run the test (below) more than once, I get the same 
signature bytes each time.  Here's sample (identical) output from two 
consecutive tests:

$ go run ~/devel/signtest/*.go
        "Format": "ssh-ed25519",
$ go run ~/devel/signtest/*.go
        "Format": "ssh-ed25519",

Am I misunderstanding how the ed25519 package signs?  Do I have a bug in 
the test code?

I'm very eager to better understand what's going on.  Thanks in advance for 
any help.


package main

import (


func main() {

  // generate key with `ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f /tmp/id_ed25519`

  buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/id_ed25519")

  signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(buffer)

  signMe := []byte("sign me")
  sig, err := signer.Sign(rand.Reader, signMe)

  out, err := json.MarshalIndent(sig, "", "\t")


func check(err error) {
  if err != nil {

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