Jan Mercl <0xj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 10:10 AM Silvan Jegen <s.je...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So the declaration of the variables in the for loop itself is in outer
> > scope compared to the body of the for loop?
> The outer scope begins immediately after the keyword "for". The inner
> one is an ordinary block scope and it begins immediately after the
> '{'.

Ah, I see.

> > In that case, redeclaring them
> > in the inner scope (== the loop body) would not be allowed either, no?
> This is valid: { a := 42; f(a) { a := 24; f(a) }}

Right, that makes sense!

So my confusion stemmed from me not realizing that the variable
declaration in the range clause forms its own scope while the for body
constitutes another one. I assumed they belonged in the same scope.

So the spec seems fine. Thanks to you and Dan for clearing that up for me!



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