Hi, thanks for your reply. I am still in the learning phase and when I 
learn the usage of a new tool I try to keep notes of *what's allowed *and 
not allowed* by that tool. That's all :) So at this moment, it's not 
possible for me to come up with a concrete production-level use case. But 
the behavior I described is very common in dynamic languages. If a field 
doesn't exist, create that field at runtime. If a method doesn't exist, 
make some decision on-the-fly, maybe call another method. In both cases, 
the caller *knows* that they (field and method) don't exist and *expects* that 
they will be created/responded accordingly at runtime instead of failing. 
In PHP they're known as *Magic Methods. *In JavaScript, they're called 
*Proxies.* I know that's too much dynamic behavior to ask from a statically 
typed language. But now I know that it's not allowed.

On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 9:13:03 AM UTC+6, Kurtis Rader wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 7:59 PM Tanmay Das <tanma...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Say you have a struct Foo and you access fields and call methods on it as 
>> you normally would. But is it possible to execute a hook before or after 
>> that field access or method call? A good scenario will be:
>> The user calls non-existent method foo.Bar() or accesses non-existent 
>> field foo.Bar. If they don't exist, I want to:
>> a) In case of a method call: forward that call to foo.Baz()
>> b) In case of field access: set the foo.Bar at runtime with some value
> No, as far as I know. You're looking for a language like Python, which I 
> love, but that isn't the Go model of behavior. This also seems like a 
> http://xyproblem.info/ question. What is it you really want to do? Are 
> you trying to mock something for a unit test?
> -- 
> Kurtis Rader
> Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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