On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 2:48 PM <naveen.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://play.golang.org/p/e22ufH-T2M1
> This is my sample data structure.
> package main
> import (
> "fmt"
> )
> type MicroChkpt struct {
> comprtype uint32
> MicroChkptInfoMap map[uint32][]byte
> }
> type CallChkpt struct {
> FullChkptData []byte
> MicroChkptMap map[uint32]*MicroChkpt
> ckey uint32
> comprtype uint32
> AuditInProgress bool
> }
> var CallChkptMap map[uint32]*CallChkpt
> func main() {
> fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
> }
> So its a nested map structure,
> CallChkptMap->MicroChkptMap->MicroChkptInfoMap
> So i was expecting on deleting an entry from the top level map
> CallChkptMap, whole underlying memory used by nested maps would be
> reclaimed.
> Its not happening till all entries are removed from the top level map(
> then only i see memory dipping), map has ongoing insert and delete
> operations and grows pretty big.
> Any workarounds to reclaim the memory on deleting the specific entry
> please?
> Should i go to the nested maps first, set them to nil and then delete the
> entry from the top level map?
> Appreciate all your time and inputs.

How exactly are you measuring whether the memory has been garbage collected?


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