On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 11:49 PM Amnon <amno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Austin's doc refers to your idea of a new object format for the 21st century.
> Has anyone developed that?

No, that is still just a thought.

> As someone who has been writing linkers since 1988, (most famously the Gold 
> linker), and who has a fair
> number of commits on the dev.linker branch,  do you have any insights into 
> the new linker project
> which would be interesting to share with the world?

Thanks for the praise.  Sorry to say that I don't have any particular
insights.  I think the new linker has been great work, but I
personally was only peripherally involved.  I read the design doc, and
that's about it.


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