Hi Afriyie,

Looks like you almost there ;)

> On 17 Nov 2020, at 20.11, Afriyie Abraham Kwabena <afriyie.abra...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> HI,
> This is what I have tried so far but am not able to get the time difference 
> in seconds. I mean the time differences between the time stored in the 
> map[string]time.Time and
> the current time in seconds.
> code:
> type Server struct {
>     idtime map[string]time.Time
> }
> var my = Server{}
> func main() {
>     r := mux.NewRouter()
>     usersData := r.PathPrefix("/users").Subrouter()
>     usersData.Path("/{id}").Methods(http.MethodPatch).HandlerFunc(UpdateData)

Based on my understanding (I have never use mux before), the UpdateDate 
function will be running concurrently as goroutine. Lets say that we have three 
PATCH requests at the same time, there will be three UpdateData running 
concurrently or in parallel.

>     fmt.Println("Start listening")
>     fmt.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))
> }
> func UpdateData(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
>     var (
>         localVarHTTPMethod = http.MethodPatch
>         patchItems         model.PatchItem
>     )
>     id := config.GetIdFromRequest(request)
>     if request.Method == localVarHTTPMethod {
>         err := json.NewDecoder(request.Body).Decode(&patchItems)
>         if err != nil {
>             common.WriteError(response, common.ErrBadRequest)
>             return
>         }
>         defer request.Body.Close()
>         my.idtime = make(map[string]time.Time)

Since the UpdateData is running independently for each request, you should 
initialize this once, in the main, otherwise each UpdateData routine will reset 
the idtime variable.

>         my.idtime[id] = time.Now()
>         go func() {
>             for keyid, t := range my.idtime {
>                 ts := t.Format(time.RFC3339)
>                 v, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, ts)
>                 if err != nil {
>                     fmt.Println(err)
>                     os.Exit(1)
>                 }
>                 timeRemaining := getTimeRemaining(v)
>                 if timeRemaining.S >= 60 {
>                     // delete resouce in database after 60 seconds
>                     deleteResourceUsingIdkey(keyid)
>                 }
>             }
>         }()

Also, you should move the above goroutine to main, otherwise each call to 
UpdateData will spawn a new goroutine.

If I were you I will use the Unix time [1] instead of Time object, its much 
simpler `time.Now().Unix() - my.idtime[keyid] >= 60`.

BTW, beware of race condition. Test or build your program with "-race" option 
to see it by yourself. Use sync.Mutex [2] to prevent the write (updating the 
map) overlap with read (checking the elapsed seconds).

[1] https://pkg.go.dev/time#Time.Unix
[2] https://pkg.go.dev/sync#Mutex

>         common.RespondWith3gppJsonPatchJson(response, http.StatusNoContent, 
> nil)
>     } else {
>         common.WriteError(response, common.ErrMethodNotAllowed)
>         return
>     }

Another things that I can't not comment, you can simplify the code by 
returning-first, which minimize code identation.

> }
> type count struct {
>     S int
> }
> func getTimeRemaining(t time.Time) count {
>     currentTime := time.Now()
>     difference := t.Sub(currentTime)
>     seconds := int(difference.Seconds())
>     return count{
>         S: seconds,
>     }
> }
> func deleteResourceUsingIdkey(idkey string) {
>     // do delete here
> }
> Any help.

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