On 3/29/21, Axel Wagner <axel.wagner...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 2:57 PM <fge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An "explanation" like I described in my 2nd email would be very
>> helpful and that isn't more complex than P. (If it is, please provide
>> a hint.)
> I still don't understand how you think we should provide this explanation
> without solving SAT.
> For example, you write
> buildconstraint_1 excludes:
> file1.go
> file2.go
> file3.go
> What is "builtconstraint_1" and how is it determined by the go tool? My
> first impression was that it is supposed to be a build tag (like "cgo"),
> which opens up the problems I asked - it's not clear which tag is "at
> fault" or how to figure that out.
I assumed (ha!) buildconstraint_1 as a parsed predicate (e.g. "//
+build linux") would be helpful. In a more complex case it isn't.
Thanks again!

> Or even just the identified and relevant build constraints in CNF is
>> most probably enough to take a look at and go like nah, I can see
>> buildconstraintX and buildconstraintY, I can give up _quickly_ and not
>> waste _more_ time trying to get the package to build.
> Sure. That's certainly easy enough to do. FWIW, currently you can get an
> approximation of that via
> grep -R "// +build" .
> After #41184 <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41184> that would give an
> even clearer result, as the build constraints are actually guaranteed to be
> in DNF with at most one line per file (AIUI).
> It is certainly possible to build a version of this into the Go tool for go
> 1.17 already. That is, we could build in a command that just recursively
> looks for and parses build constraints and prints them out per-file in CNF
> or DNF. Personally, I feel like I would rarely use it though, because I'd
> find just a plain grep easier to remember, given that I use it daily. But
> my personal feelings shouldn't deter you from proposing this :)
agreed :)

Still the experience is very much non-go like, though with such a
power build constraint language it'll stay like that.

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