On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 17:46 Wojciech S. Czarnecki <o...@fairbe.org> wrote:

> Dnia 2021-03-29, o godz. 15:17:42
> "'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts" <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> napisaƂ(a):
> > I still don't understand how you think we should provide this
> explanation without solving SAT.
> ...
> > What is "builtconstraint_1" and how is it determined by the go tool? My
> > first impression was that it is supposed to be a build tag (like "cgo"),
> > which opens up the problems I asked - it's not clear which tag is "at
> > fault" or how to figure that out.
> As I understood the OP, it would be nice to have build -n and -v messaging
> us
> with short info about the constraint that excluded given file from under
> build.
> And I concur.

Since the build constraint language is equivalent to a first order logic
language, no guaranteed useful information can be provided in the general
case in a limited time.
I also thought that predicates would be useful, but only the terms in a
normal form could be useful, but that would provide - most probably - "too

grep should be good enough :)

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