
this thread <https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/zeSX2iwvLKc> had me
wonder again about a spec question that recently came up which I didn't
have an answer to: Where does the spec say, which recursive type
declarations are allowed and which aren't? For example, why is `type T *T`
legal, but `type T T`ยน isn't?

To be clear: I know why we *can't* make `type T T` et al. legal - the
compiler needs to know the size of the values and it can't know it from a
declaration like `type T T`. I'm wondering how this follows from the spec.

I haven't read through all of the spec in a while, so I might just be
missing an obvious section. But it doesn't seem to be described in the section
about type declarations <https://golang.org/ref/spec#Types> and some
obvious keyword searches like "recursive" or "size" didn't turn up anything
meaningful, as far as I can tell. But feel free to point me to a section I
overlooked, and apologies if the question makes me seem lazy because it
ends up being obvious :)

[1] Maybe `type T struct { T }` is a better example, as it's a
type-literal, not a type name - just like `type T *T`.

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