I did a quick read. Virtual threads seems much *closer* to goroutines and they 
suggest people "unlearn" the overuse of thread local storage (TLS)! The thread 
pooling they talk about is to avoid the much higher thread creation time -- not 
a problem in Go.

> On Sep 30, 2022, at 9:08 PM, Rob Pike <r...@golang.org> wrote:
> Like Ian, I have not read this paper, but I take it as a tenet that it is 
> better to keep goroutines anonymous and state-free, and not to bind any 
> particular calculation or data set to one thread of control as part of the 
> programming model. If you want to do that, sure, go for it, but it's far too 
> restrictive to demand it a priori and force it on others.

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