On Tue, 2022-11-22 at 10:16 -0800, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 10:11 AM Robert Engels
> <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> >
> > I do not know why the mailing list is set up as the sender is the
> > user. Is should always have the sender be the list email and the
> > name be the user, or the sender details included elsewhere. I don’t
> > have this problem in any other lists.

Robert, this has been an ongoing problem with mail from your address
for years for me, and I think that I have raised it in the past. It
breaks thread chains and drops messages. To illustrate, I'm reply to
the message from Ian because your message never made it to my inbox,
and his message is the only one that contains this text in my inbox.
Worse, his message is a thread-orphan. Interestingly, this does not
happen all the time, so I suspect that either your mail client is
flakey with regard to the References: header or you are using more than
one client. I don't recall seeing this behaviour from any other
sender's client on the list.


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