Thank you very much Ian!
I am using a pointer to the map because i want to pass the map by 
reference, not by value. 
Those maps can become pretty large and are being handed down through a 
couple of function calls and i don't want them to be copied over and over 

I read the document you referenced, but am not able to understand…
So i can use interface{} or any just to generalize simple types? 
Why is the compiler accepting then a p_Values map[string]interface{} as a 
parameter of a function? - What would be a compatible data-type to pass as 
this parameter?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Best regards from Charleston (WV),

Ian Lance Taylor schrieb am Dienstag, 14. März 2023 um 21:40:27 UTC-4:

> On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 6:27 PM Frank Jüdes <> wrote:
> >
> > i still somewhat new with Go and need a little tutoring: I have to 
> create Excel files, using the excelize package and wrote a little function 
> to store data from a map[string]int64 into a column within the worksheet:
> >
> > // 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > // Store a slice of int64 data items into the cells of a column
> > // 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > func SetColumnValuesInt64(xf *excelize.File,
> > p_SheetName string,
> > p_StartRow int,
> > p_Column rune,
> > p_CellStyle *excelize.Style,
> > p_Keys *UTL_StringSlice.T_StringSlice,
> > p_Values *map[string]int64) {
> > Row := p_StartRow
> > StyleID,_ := xf.NewStyle(p_CellStyle)
> > for _,Key := range(*p_Keys) {
> > CellAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%c%d",p_Column,Row)
> > xf.SetCellValue(p_SheetName,CellAddress,(*p_Values)[Key])
> > xf.SetCellStyle(p_SheetName,CellAddress,CellAddress,StyleID)
> > Row++
> > } // END for
> > } // END SetColumnValuesInt64
> >
> > Basically the function iterates through a slice of strings, containing 
> the key-values for the data-map and then calls the SetCellValue function 
> from the excelize package to store the number into the cell.
> > Now i have another set of data, stored into a map[string]float64 …
> > So i duplicated the above function, just replacing the red line with
> > p_Values *map[string]float64) {
> >
> > Basically it is the same code, just the parameter-type is different. I 
> looked into the definition of the function SetCellValue and saw that it is 
> using the empty interface as parameter for the value, so i tried to define 
> my function with
> > p_Values *map[string]interface{}) {
> >
> > The function compiles fine, but if i try to use it with a 
> *map[string]int64 as a parameter, the compiler objectst with the message 
> »cannot use Amounts (variable of type *map[string]int64) as type 
> *map[string]interface{} in argument to ExcelFormats.SetColumnValues«
> >
> > Can somebody please give me hint what i am doing wrong?
> First I'll note that it's quite unusual to use a pointer to a map.
> Maps are reference types. If you pass a map to a function, and that
> function adds values to the map, the caller will also see the new map
> entries.
> That said, the error message seems clear enough: a function that
> expects a pointer to map[string]any can't take an argument that is a
> pointer to map[string]int64. The types any and int64 are different
> types. You can't interchange them. See
> for a related issue.
> Ian

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