On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Neko (Simone Demmel) wrote:

> Good morning,
> after several months not looking at golf-games I tried to find out what
> the actual game would be.
> Usually games started at 1st of month and ended at 10/12th or something.
> As fas as I could find out the last game ended at 31st august.
> Is there an actual game (and I didn't find it) or have the time rules
> changed? (are there any time rules any longer? )
> ne"little bit confused"ko

It used to start on the first of each month and last exactly one week. But
there haven't been any prize golfs for a long time. The burden on the
referees was too great, and although there was some talk of a more automated
system, it never quite got finished. So the more informal golfs at
terje.perlgolf.org took over.

Personally I would still like to see the prize golfs come back. I can never
quite get motivated for the more frequent ones. But it would require someone
to write a more automated system, or submissions only to happen afterwards
like in the minigolfs, or something.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
 "The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than
  the question of whether a submarine can swim."  (Edsger W. Dijkstra)

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