Before I'll say anything, let me mention that I'm glad there's no
flaming at all going on about this and people basically just want to
find a fair solution. That said....

First of all, someone needs to make a decision about which solutions
will be valid for Autoedit. I still don't know which solution to

Second: is it illegal to test eof in Autoedit? The generic rules say
input could be STDIN rather than a file. So while my 51 solution worked
with testsuite 8, it would not work from STDIN. If it's *not* legal,
then I think the rule in the generic rules should explicitly mention
eof(STDIN) not working, because I'm not sure it's clear right now.

Third and most importantly, I think we need a new rule for Perl
Golfing. I propose that if a solution passes the testsuite two days (48
hours) or less before the end of the contest, then that solution is
valid, even if someone finds edge cases afterwards. Why? Because (1) we
have a globally distributed group of players, and if the test suite is
changed 12 hours before the end of the contest, the Australians might
sleep through it all, (2) A lot of people can't work all day every day
so they'll maybe pick one day earlier in the week when they have lots
of time to work on the contest, and then not check in until near the
end, and (3) If the test suite is changed too near the end, you might
not have time to fix it. (In this case, the fix was trivial (255->3e4
or whatever, but then Ton pointed out that the fix might be illegal.)
and in other cases it might be the whole basis of your algorithm that
needs to change.)

I know this isn't completely "fair". Some people might be smart enough
not to use solutions that don't allow edge cases, and then they are
unfairly penalized for being careful. Still, if the vast majority of
people don't see the problem, I think it's still right to use the test
suite as the solution. That said, people should definitely try in the
first few days of the contest to send in any edge cases that they find,
and contest organizers should be careful to think of as many test cases
as possible. 

Memory issues are probably tougher to deal with and will have to be
decided on a case by case basis. My opinion on this particular contest
is still that if the vast majority of people didn't realize the memory
problem, then the contest shouldn't be judged that way. Even though
careful Ton gets penalized, I don't know if it's fair to penalize every
other player instead.

Anyway, let's get over this problem and move to another contest. Um,
after I've had time to get some sleep.


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