Test 11 does not seem like a valid bowling score, unless I am totally confused about the rules. Here's how I interpret it:

0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  0 10  10     0
spare spare spare spare spare spare spare spare spare spare strike ???

So, the bowler took one too many throws. Can someone explain what's going on? Did the rule maker just add an extraneous zero by mistake?


On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 03:14 PM, Mtv Europe wrote:

Hello All!

We've started new kernelpanic's golf
on our system at
just to allow english-speaking players submit their scores too
(golfs will finish synchronously).  Sorry, no translated rules yet.

We have no claims on kernelpanic's IP and no relations with SCO.

Mtv Europe
"Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 294-7900, 211 S Paterson, Madison WI 53703

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