Rick Klement wrote:
> Phil Carmody wrote:
> >
> > Embarassment time -
> > perl -e
> > '"${s}1_${s}2"=~/(.*)\1_.*?(.*)\2$/,print$s.=1+(length$1>length$2),$/for(0..98)'
> >
> > The task was to produce the "Linus sequence" where either a 1 or a 2 is added
> > to the seed "1", such that the contiguous repeat at end of the string is
> > minimised at each stage.
> >
> > The code's therefore pretty self explanatory, but more explanation
> > can be found at google groups:
> > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > I'm slaughtered by my double "length", but can't see a way round it,
> > and on the keyhole front, my initial "${s}"s aren't very elegant.
> >
> > Anyone got a few pointers for improving it?
> double length? what double length?
> perl -le '[EMAIL PROTECTED]($-["[EMAIL PROTECTED]"=~/(.*)\1$/]<$-["[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]"=~//])for 0..98'
> (some golf tricks applied :)

Is there any need for all that trickery?

perl -le 'print$}.="$}1_$}2"=~/(.*)\1_.*?(.*)\2$/+($1>$2)for 0..98'


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