I guess problem is that after deploying to GAE, any try will retrieve
the time zone
information *on the Google Servers*! Google can't find out what
your local developer box is located in.


On Sep 2, 1:08 pm, le anh <leanhduc1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2:24 pm, leszek <leszek.ptokar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you delete double declaration (String formattedDate) and add proper
> > imports and declaration  'Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance()); it
> > should work.
> > But you are having this problem while running in local  environment
> > (in your machine) or it does not work after deploying to google
> > (production) environment ?
> It's also not correct when I change " Date date=new Date() " to
> Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(). They are same result.
> The code does not work correct after deploying to google (production)
> environment , meaning it does not work in Web Application Project of
> AppEngine .
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