The problem might be in the fact that AppEngine doesn't implement most of
the time zones properly. Here I am outputting a number of attributes for
different time zones. This code works fine locally but look what happens
when I am running it on a deployed site.


Asia/Seoul    9    false    0    Korea Standard Time
Asia/Shanghai    8    false    0    China Standard Time
Asia/Singapore    8    false    0    Singapore Time
Asia/Taipei    8    false    0    China Standard Time
Asia/Tashkent    5    false    0    Uzbekistan Time
Asia/Tbilisi    4    false    0    Georgia Time
Asia/Tehran    3    false    1    Iran Standard Time
Asia/Tel_Aviv    2    false    1    Israel Standard Time
Asia/Thimbu    6    false    0    Bhutan Time
Asia/Thimphu    6    false    0    Bhutan Time
Asia/Tokyo    9    false    0    Japan Standard Time


Asia/Seoul    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Shanghai    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Singapore    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Taipei    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Tashkent    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Tbilisi    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Tehran    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Tel_Aviv    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Thimbu    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Thimphu    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Asia/Tokyo    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time

Hey Google guys, could you at least provide the Etc/GMT zones so that I
could use them as a temporary parch? Right now it goes like this:

Etc/GMT+0    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+1    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+10    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+11    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+12    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+2    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+3    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+4    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+5    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+6    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+7    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+8    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT+9    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT-0    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT-1    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT-10    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT-11    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time
Etc/GMT-12    0    false    0    Greenwich Mean Time


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Aron <> wrote:

> I guess problem is that after deploying to GAE, any try will retrieve
> the time zone
> information *on the Google Servers*! Google can't find out what
> timezone
> your local developer box is located in.
> Aron
> On Sep 2, 1:08 pm, le anh <> wrote:
> > On Sep 2, 2:24 pm, leszek <> wrote:
> >
> > > If you delete double declaration (String formattedDate) and add proper
> > > imports and declaration  'Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance()); it
> > > should work.
> > > But you are having this problem while running in local  environment
> > > (in your machine) or it does not work after deploying to google
> > > (production) environment ?
> >
> > It's also not correct when I change " Date date=new Date() " to
> > Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(). They are same result.
> >
> > The code does not work correct after deploying to google (production)
> > environment , meaning it does not work in Web Application Project of
> > AppEngine .
> >

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