Trying to give you more info on this.

- the error appears sometimes, it causes fail every
other request or so
- retweets is a Collection of Entity Retweet, part of the Tweet Entity
- worked fine before 1.2.5
- I never detached anything... if I need to, can someone provide an
example? I did not find a lot searching jpa detaching. There only
seems tobe EntityManager.clear() - which detaches everything. Will
this work?

Here the mapping:


            List<ReTweet> retweets


            Tweet tweet

The code that causes the exception is view code. In a controller, I
get a couple of tweet instances and then pass them on to the view for

1       <g:each in="${tweets}" status="i" var="tweet">

23            retweeted by ${tweet.prettyRetweets}
26      </g:each

getPrettyRetweets is part of the Tweet Class, here is the

134         def getPrettyRetweets()
135         {
136             if (retweets)
137                 return retweets.collect{"@${it.userScreenName}"}.join
(', ')
138             else
139                 return 'n/a'
140         }

It will create a long string like @hansamann,@graemerocher and simply
pass that back which will then end up in the view.

Anything wrong with that? Any help appreciated, this is going on since
a few days now....


On Sep 11, 9:42 am, Max Ross <> wrote:
> Yes, please provide more information if you can.  There was a bug fix in
> 1.2.5 that made queries respect fetch groups, but JPA doesn't have fetch
> groups so the error you're reporting suggests that something is wrong here.
> Can you boil it down to a small snippet that reproduces the problem?
> Thanks,
> Max
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:34 PM, datanucleus <>wrote:
> > > I am using JPA btw, so.... can someone tell me if I need to do in
> > > order make this work again? Why does it work sometimes?
> > Why not look in the log ? It tells you what is detached, when, and
> > why. If a field (and who knows what type this field is ...) is not
> > detached then you can't access it.
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