On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 6:48 AM, David Given <d...@cowlark.com> wrote:

> Toby Reyelts wrote:
> [...]
> > 5000 ms is excessive for container startup. You say this happens before
> > your code starts to run, but the warnings you're seeing from
> > FinalizableReferenceQueue come from a dependency on our datastore API,
> > which you can clearly see in your stacktrace. Some questions for you:
> >
> > 1) Are you absolutely sure you're not running app code which is causing
> > this delay? Try hitting just an empty servlet or filter.
> My servlet init method consists of:
> void init()
> {
>   super.init()
>   log("message")
>   ...
> }
> ...and the delay is happening before the message tracing appears. The
> FinalizableReferenceQueue messages appear later --- they take several
> hundred milliseconds to be emitted, but that's nothing compared to the
> startup delay. I can safely ignore these messages, right?
Yes, that is correct.  This message is harmless and I've confirmed that it
is not affecting the performance of your application.

> > 2) Can you reproduce this latency consistently?
> > 3) What is your appid?
> It does appear to be consistent (although it's tedious to reproduce,
> since I have to wait for the servlet to be shut down --- is there a way
> to make this happen manually?). My app id is stellation2; there's a good
> example today for /stellation2/greet at 09-09 03:58AM 09.451.
> I took a close look at this application and, while I don't have a complete
picture of why you're seeing this 1-3 second delay between the start of a
request and your servlets init method being called, I was able to test out a
few optimizations that we have planned for future releases which will help
the performance of this application considerably.
Thanks for the report.  Expect your performance to improve over time, but at
the moment I don't have any specific suggestions for you.  If you're worried
that your users will experience this extra delay, I would consider adding
another RPC call that begins at the same time you display the login panel.
 Hopefully be the time the user enters their details the servlet will be
warmed up.

If you manage to gather any further details, please let us know.


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