Thanks both for the quick responses.

Leszek you are right with the MVC.  I'm not great at writing web
applications since i am fairly new to the whole situation but all of
my web applications have been written with ASP.NET MVC.
It seems then so far the way i have been writting my applications is
correct.  I do have a few more questions that still have to do with
Servlets/JSP design and functionality.

I'm having a hard time finding a way to get back from the servlet to
the JSP.  I have a path that gets called to /results.jsp.   I have a
resultsServlet that has a doGet method for the JSP results in which
the servlet gets and compiles all the information needed for the
results i want to display.  However, i cant seem to find out how to
get back to the JSP code.  All the doGet method should be doing is
doing a datastore call and getting a bunch of information and
compiling it into a List<objects>.  and then my JSP function is
suppose to be taking list and displaying it.  I cant seem to get out
of this doGet method though.  When i hit link it just displays a blank
page since my doGet method does no displays.

I saw in other forums that they ask how many JSP files and Servlet
files they have.  Dont you need to have a Servlet file for every JSP
file?  It seems to be that GAE is working more with a Model View

Lastly, in ASP.NET MVC there is a site.master page that holds the
style template that all the pages will be using.  Does GAE have
something similar to this?


On Oct 21, 3:59 am, leszek <> wrote:
> JSP is nothing more than servlet code woven with html and some tags to
> make generating html pages more easy. Almost everything you can do in
> sevlet code you can do also in JSP page. So it is a design decision
> what logic should be kept in JSP and what logic should tackled in a
> classic servlet code.
> I think that what you have written is very sound and follow MVC
> approach. JSP should be responsible only for user interface ("view"
> part) and be separated from any persistent logic, and servlet code
> should keep "model" and "control" part and be separated from any
> interface code. Servlet code should also be the only to communicate
> with the persistence layer.
> But why use pure JSP and servlet ? There are a lot of good frameworks
> at hand.  There are successful stories with JSF 2.0 and Spring MVC
> running gently with Google App Engine.
> Also GWT is running very nicely - I'm personally very fond of it. But
> GWT is completely different, Ajax-style, approach.
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