Hi Vince

Thanks for sharing.
I've modified my persistence framework to incorporate your class and it
works very well.

kind regards

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Vince Bonfanti <vbonfa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> P.S. Because of issue 2097
> (http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=2097), the
> write-behind task doesn't work on the development server, so it always
> defaults to write-through (which is a nice test of the watchdog
> mechanism). The write-behind task works fine on the production
> servers.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Vince Bonfanti <vbonfa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > You might be interested in my CachingDatastoreService class:
> >
> >
> http://code.google.com/p/gaevfs/source/browse/trunk/src/com/newatlanta/appengine/datastore/CachingDatastoreService.java
> >
> > It has the following features:
> >
> >  - Implements the com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreService,
> > so it's a plug-in replacement for the standard implementation.
> >  - Automatically caches entities in memcache for datastore reads and
> writes.
> >  - Has a write-behind option (the default) that queues all datastore
> > writes as background tasks (except for transactions, which are always
> > write-through directly to the datastore).
> >  - A watchdog task makes sure the write-behind task is always available.
> >  - If the write-behind task isn't available, defaults to write-through
> > to insure no loss of data.
> >  - Supports configurable expiration of memcache entities (the default
> > is no expiration).
> >
> > In order to use the CachingDatastoreService, first configure the
> > write-behind task in web.xml:
> >
> >    <servlet>
> >        <servlet-name>CachingDatastoreService</servlet-name>
> >
> <servlet-class>com.newatlanta.appengine.datastore.CachingDatastoreService</servlet-class>
> >    </servlet>
> >    <servlet-mapping>
> >        <servlet-name>CachingDatastoreService</servlet-name>
> >        <url-pattern>/_ah/queue/write-behind-task</url-pattern>
> >    </servlet-mapping>
> >
> > Then configure the write-behind-task queue in queue.xml (use whatever
> > rate you want):
> >
> >    <queue>
> >        <name>write-behind-task</name>
> >        <rate>5/s</rate>
> >    </queue>
> >
> > Then replace the following code:
> >
> >    DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory().getDatastoreService();
> >
> > with this code, and then use the DatastoreService methods as you normally
> would:
> >
> >    DatastoreService ds = new CachingDatastoreService();
> >
> > The default CachingDatastoreService constructor enables the
> > CacheOptions.WRITE_BEHIND option and sets the expiration to "null" (no
> > expiration). There are additional constructors that allow you to
> > specify CacheOptions.WRITE_THROUGH and/or specify a memcache
> > expiration value.
> >
> > Vince
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Stakka <henrik.lindqv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> One feature I see useful for a layer atop the Low-Level API is
> >> asynchronization. Since you'll never know how much time a Low-Level
> >> API call will take it should automatically create Tasks for them,
> >> writes atleast.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Oct 22, 10:37 am, Nacho Coloma <icol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> We have been developing a persistence framework for the AppEngine
> >>> Datastore based on the raw DatastoreService API. For our (simple)
> >>> persistence case, both JDO and JPA were a bit overkill as we were
> >>> spending a significant amount of time jumping through hoops to make
> >>> our application roll, but at the same time the Datastore API was a too
> >>> low-level solution to be usable.
> >>>
> >>> So we reinvented our wheel. In two days.
> >>>
> >>> SimpleDS is a light wrapper around the DatastoreService APIs that
> >>> provide a simple interface for java persistent classes. It does not
> >>> include fancy stuff or any super features, it's just the
> >>> DatastoreService ported to a world where Java entities can be
> >>> persisted directly (using a subset of JPA annotations).  This is _not_
> >>> a JPA/JDO replacement, and will never be. But we have been using it
> >>> for some weeks and are quite happy with it.
> >>>
> >>> Any kind of feedback from the AppEngine  community would be welcome.
> >>> Before calling the typical "but we already have JPA/JDO!" argument,
> >>> please notice the following:
> >>>
> >>> * There are lots of considerations in a relational database that do
> >>> not apply to AppEngine. This allows a specific solution to be
> >>> simplified big time. Just see the depth of your typical stack trace to
> >>> understand what I am talking about.
> >>> * Solutions can be designed for specific cases that are common
> >>> practice in AppEngine but do not apply to a relational database. See,
> >>> for example, saving entities with a parent instance.
> >>> * Transactions also behave a bit differently, where a "one size fits
> >>> all" approach would probably not be the best solution.
> >>>
> >>> To better ilustrate with an example, these are some typical tasks
> >>> performed with SimpleDS:
> >>>
> >>> Retrieve instance:
> >>> FooBar bar = entityManager.get(key);
> >>>
> >>> Transform from Google Datastore Entity to java and viceversa:
> >>> Entity entity = entityManager.datastoreToJava(bar);
> >>>
> >>> Save generating a  primary key, with a parent instance:
> >>> FooBar bar = new FooBar();
> >>> entityManager.put(parentKey, bar);
> >>>
> >>> More can be seen here:
> http://code.google.com/p/simpleds/wiki/SimpleTasks
> >>>
> >>> Any discussion about the current API state is welcome. This entire
> >>> thing was rolled in two days and tested in a couple of weeks so there
> >>> should be some bugs in between.
> >>>
> >>> It is important to keep in mind the current list of limitations:
> >>>
> >>> * Only the Key class is a supported primary key.
> >>> * IN and != are not supported (yet). I have big concerns about
> >>> supporting this, performance-wise.
> >>> * Relationships are not supported. You can use Keys and collections of
> >>> Keys for that purpose.
> >>> * Transactions are not yet included. We are not yet sure about how to
> >>> proceed here.
> >>>
> >>> As I said, this is not conceived to become a feature-complete JPA
> >>> replacement, so please don't treat it like that.
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>>
> >>> Nacho.
> >> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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