Datanucleus, both suggestions worked but I like the "embeddedOnly"
best in order to avoid a dummy key on every FK class!

Bryce, I no longer get the error above...I just added
embeddedOnly="true" to the PersistanceCapable tag in BookFk class.
You're right, I could use the collection technique on the FKs but I
wonder the pros/cons of such collections on what could be very large
collections.  For example, say Baylor with 25,000 members?  Guess its
a matter of using "owned" for small Sets versus "unowned" for large
Sets of data.  Regardless, your FK pattern will save a whole lot of
code management!!!

Any further feedback welcome...I'll continue testing!

On Nov 4, 12:12 pm, datanucleus <> wrote:
> > Needs a PK either way. Pick a field, any field.
> Or just set "embeddedOnly" as true ... if you really never want to
> persist one of those in its own right
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