Just to clarify, here's what I'm interpreting as "google killing my
TaskQueues after 10 seconds." See where it says "10064ms 0cpu_ms"?
This was waiting for a URLFetch to timeout after 10 seconds, but it
was killed before URLFetch could return. 10 seconds is much less than
30 seconds...

"01-09 11:26AM 03.652 /hook/do_ava_check 500 10064ms 0cpu_ms 0kb
AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine) - - [09/Jan/2010:11:26:13 -0800] "POST /hook/do_ava_check HTTP/
1.1" 500 0
Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
request. ..."

If I am interpreting my logs wrong, let me know...

On Jan 9, 3:52 pm, Locke <locke2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python supports asynchronous URLFetch, but Java doesn't. So if we need
> to do any asynchronous URLFetching, our only option is to use the
> TaskQueue, right?
> Well, I always thought our apps had 30 seconds to complete their
> business. Since URLFetch calls can take up to 10 seconds to complete,
> 30 seconds is more than enough. So I wrote an "asynchronous_urlfetch"
> function which simply used the TaskQueue to post a URL to a webhook
> which called URLFetch. Not as good as the Python way, but it should
> work just fine.
> But it doesn't! My logs are full of "500 ... Request was aborted after
> waiting too long to attempt to service your request." for the
> aforementioned webhook. Aparently, rather than giving the normal 30
> seconds, App Engine is killing my TaskQueues after only 10! So if my
> URLFetch takes 10 seconds, the entire webhook dies!
> Am I interpreting this right? Are TaskQueues really getting killed
> after 10 rather than 30 seconds? If so, could we please get this
> rectified?
> And, really, time spent waiting on URLFetch should not count against
> us, anyway! That's outside of our control and is certainly NOT
> indicative of problems with our apps.
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