Hi all,

I have an app which is running on Glassfish and serves data via web
services and BlazeDS. Authentication is handled via realm
authentication on the app server. My client side is a flex app which
launches from a secure folder once the user has authenticated.
Persistence is currently in mysql but all via JPA.

Until now, I've thought it's too much hassle to try and get it working
on GAE but being someone who doesn't know when to quit, I'd like to
try again. Does this kind of app sound doable on GAE without too much
re-work ?

I think GAE support WS now (via Hessian ?) but what about realm
authentication ? (My clients don't have google accounts so I can't use
that). Is there any substitute for realm authentication in GAE land ?

Thought I'd ask you all here before I try again in case I'm about to
run headlong into a world-of-hurt!

Any pointers would be great.


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