for instance, you can just use a Key and reference
the Person in the Telephone.

>>>>>you are right. and i just do it as you say.

public class Telephone{
    @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
    @Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.encoded-pk",
    private String telephone_id;

    private String person_id;  //this field point to  Person

my question is "
if person have telephone( telephone1,telephone2,telephone3) and user
update person's telephone is telephone2,telephone3,telephone4,    how
to implements this?

but in a same  transactions , I need update 2 telephone
object .----------telephone1.person_id=null
and the 2 telephone object is not in same entity group.

the question seem to equal  "  how to update  multi  object (same
class) in same transaction?"

Thank you for your help

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