No problem :)

> Hm, I think that if you had chosen to set the "This project has a war
> directory" setting, and set it to src/main/webapp, this error could have
> gone away.

Yup, I discovered that eventually - it was all about the ordering.  I
think the best solution here would either give a more specific step-by-
step process for GAE users (since the current "correct" path is to
follow the instructions for non-Java EE Eclipse users) and/or have the
error message that pops up give a hint about setting the WAR

> I think for runtime, they are referring to the server on which your
> application will run. The best thing was indeed to select <none>, because
> App Engine's server is not one of the choices. The default configuration is
> a good choice too, unless you want to add other stuff, like Web Services,
> JSF, etc..
> We should improve the doc in our FAQ.

I'm a cog in a slightly larger programming machine.  So, when it comes
to Eclipse, I know just enough to get my applications running and then
I spend all my time in the Java trenches.  I know it's not Google's
job to write FAQs for Eclipse, but you did such a great job with the
other steps (in description) that it would be nice to have
explanations here.  As you say, the default worked, but you suggest
adding other stuff like "Web Services" and "JSF" which, I'll admit, I
know nothing about those words other than I see them a lot on these
forums :)  The GAE documentation frequently points people to other
places where they can learn about non-GAE technologies - I hope that
you do it here, too :)

> Looks like we need to have some sort of break-out in the FAQ for those users
> that are working with App Engine-only projects.

Yes, please, if only to point to the correct help documents
elsewhere.  Again, by a hint from someone else in another forum, I
followed the steps for non-Java EE Eclipse users (even though I use
the Eclipse Java EE version).

> Couldn't you have gone back to "Use Specific SDK", and chosen the one listed
> on your build path (instead of having to use one of the SDKs that are
> installed with the plugin)?

I apologize...I have since had to wipe this test project (and the
Eclipse installation) for completely unrelated reasons, so I can't
reproduce anything at the moment - though I still have the pom.xml.
>From memory, though, I believe changing the option in the Google menus
did not change the SDK that was listed in the Eclipse build path.

> Can you elaborate on the pom.xml-related problem? Was this GPE reporting an
> error, or the Maven plugin?

Again, from memory, the errors were symptomatic of missing Jar files
during compile time and/or duplicate Jar files - GPE was not reporting
any errors at this point.  I'm not sure what the best solution is when
mixing maven with the plugin (and I'm certainly not the best person to
ask about it).  However, it seems that if someone is dead set on using
maven, then perhaps all jar files should be loaded via maven and the
GPE could generate a pom.xml with the necessary base files.

> How did you end up fixing the problem? Was geronimo_jpa missing from the
> pom.xml?

Yes, I put geronimo_jpa back in my pom.xml, which I think is strange
since it was listed on the build path along with the other dozen+ GAE
jars.  This goes back to my previous comment.

> This is interesting (that it was working fine without GPE). It must be some
> sort of difference in your classpath in GPE vs. not in GPE. Can you tell me
> what:
> 1) Your build classpath looks like?
> 2) What files you have in your WEB-INF/lib folder?

I did not put anything directly in my WEB-INF/lib folder - it was
either dragged in by GPE or in my pom.xml.  I've pasted snippets of my
pom.xml below.  I didn't do any modifications to my classpath other
than to bring in the correct GAE SDK (which hadn't been done
automatically via switching SDKs in the GPE menu).

> The refreshing of the target folder - was this something that you had to do
> manually? I guess you're saying that this is something we should doc after
> the "mvn package" step?

Yup.  Eclipse is really bad about refreshing folders in the Project
Explorer.  In my mind, I was going down the really bad path of
believing that I would end up running this out of Eclipse's WTP
folders (e.g. /Users/jacobbrookover/Documents/
wtpwebapps/<app-id>).  That was a stupid mistake and ignored the
instructions in the FAQ, but perhaps something as simple as "On first
run, choose the folder that looks like /target/<app-id>.  It may not
show up in Eclipse right away, so refresh your folders."

In fact, you could even give a brief explanation of what the 'mvn
package' step does.  I know now how that plays out with GAE, but only
because I learned it when trying to get maven to work with GAE before
GPE 1.3.

Feel free to peg me with any more questions.  I may have time to re-
create this all again tomorrow, if necessary.  And, of course, any
hints about the SAX Parser issue would be appreciated :)


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