Hello everybody !

I've been working with the wicket-gae-template which provides a good
entry in gae, however I have a big issue :

I have 3 entities, Astre, Region and Colon ; Astre has a list of
Region ; Region has a list of Colon.

Astre {
  @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
  private Key key;

  @Persistent(mappedBy = "astre")
  @Element(dependent = "true")
  private List<Region> listeRegion = new ArrayList<Region>();

Region {
  private Astre astre;

  @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
  private Key key;

@Persistent(mappedBy = "region", defaultFetchGroup="true")
  @Element(dependent = "true")
  private List<Colon> listeColons = new ArrayList<Colon>();

and Colon {
  private Region region;

(with other fields)

so Astre is a root entity, Region is a child of Astre and Colon a
child of Region.

When I load an Astre, i can modify it, upload it. I can modify, say,
the name of the 1st region, and the name of its 1st colon ; when i
make a pmProvider.get().makePersistent(astre);  the astre is updated
(I can see it with the dataviewer)

When I load a Region with a Key ID and modify its name, the
pmProvider.get().makePersistent(region); seems to do nothing. same for
I have another root entity "UserData" with which i have also no
problem for updates.

Is there something I am missing about the updates of non-root
entities ?

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