It's not that GAE doesn't do joins - it's that GAE doesn't do joins
for you.  You are the query planner.

Your examples seem straightforward:  Use two steps.  Look up the User
by twittername, then get all Attendances associated with the User.
You may want to memcache the mapping of twittername to User.

This is pretty much exactly what a SQL engine would do if you typed
"SELECT a.* FROM Attendance a, User u WHERE u.twittername = ? and
= a.userId"

The hard problems come when you want to do the kinds of joins that
require in-memory hashing or sorting.  These are also the kinds of
problems that destroy RDBMS scalability, so they're hard no matter
what tools you use.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:46 AM, MArtin Schumacher
<> wrote:
> Hi John,
> sorry for the delay.
>> You might want to check out Twig which allows direct references for
>> both owned and unowned relationships.  No Keys required.
> Great. It seams like Twig is exactly what I looked for.  Just I cannot
> see how I can do joins.
> i.e. in my model mentioned above, I want to select a Person with some
> specific ContactData.
> Or I want to find all Attendances for a User logged in with a specific
> Twittername.
> Do you have any further hints for me?
> Martin
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