I believe you are using <script src='/_ah/channel/jsapi'></script>,
which gives "$wnd.goog is undefined".

Try <script src='http://talkgadget.google.com/talkgadget/channel.js'></

On Jul 16, 9:11 am, Daniel Guermeur <superco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am building a GWT+ GAE app based on Dance Dance Robot app, the demo
> Google IO demo app showcased at Google IO.
> I am using the Channel API (Java AppEngine 1.3.5) . I am almost there
> but there is one hick up on the GWT client side (Java):
> When running the app I get an error:
> ==
> - Uncaught exception escaped.
> com.google.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError): $wnd.goog is
> undefined.
> ==
> This comes from the ChannelFactory.java on the client side. Here it
> is:
> public class ChannelFactory {
>     public static final native Channel createChannel(String
> channelId) /*-{
>       return new $wnd.goog.appengine.Channel(channelId);
>     }-*/;
> }
> Again this is straight from the Dance Dance Robot demo app.
> I am pretty sure it is a stupid mistake on my part but can't find it.
> Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
> Daniel

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