I posted on similar issues here -

After spending (wasting) several days experimenting w/ the combination
of detached and owned entities, my apps now work fine, but I always
need to call JDOHelper.makeDirty before persisting to get things
working properly.  Otherwise I get special-case bugs saving an empty
list, or a list w/ one item in it.

So try JDOHelper.makeDirty(enhtityInstance, propertyNameAsString); and
let us know if that helps.


On Sep 8, 5:50 am, androidDeveloper <stepmas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I read the post
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java/browse_thread/th...
> which describes a problem with the local datastore and empty lists.
> This problem seems to be fixed. But maybe I have found another one.
> I have a list "List<String> favoritesUserId" in a index class to which
> I can add or remove keys (encoded Strings). So there is the
> possibility, that the list gets empty, after all items are removed.
> The class is a child of another class. The structure is kind of the
> index-class pattern introduced by Bret Slatkin (Building Scalable,
> complex Apps on App engine)
> So here is the problem. When I try to save an item in the list, it
> works fine. Removing items works fine too, as long the list after
> removing the item is not empty. When I remove the last item and save
> the object, the last item stays in the list. I have not tried it in
> production yet, cause I am not ready for testing prod. Maybe this is a
> local problem with the SDK?
> Does anyone know what the solution to this problem is?
> Thanks!

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