
I'm really confused about the AppEngine database index limits.

My project is using 15 tokens to index some content.
I'm using the index then to self-join it up to 3 times.
Then my index looks like this: isOnline ▲ , searchIndex ▲ ,
searchIndex ▲ , searchIndex ▲ , normalizedName ▲

isOnline = boolean
searchIndex = list (max 15 items)
normalizedName = string

Now as soon I add another searchIndex or another property to the
indexes I get an error when AppEngine is trying to build the indexes.

-- BUT --

Then again I'm looking at the 
example which was mentioned by Googles AppEngine Team.
This project is using 200 tokens to index! and self-joining it up to 5

How is that possible and what I am doing wrong?
I need at least one more property to be added to the index.


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