It's mysql, no other solution has been announced, and I doubt
they will be, so postgresql is very unlikely. There is currently a beta
signup right now. I doubt it will be accessible to none gae apps.
Since google isn't trying to get into hosted RDBMS solution.
So you'd have the solve this by building remote REST API yourself.

On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:41 PM, adahlquist <> wrote:

> I'm looking for some more information on Hosted SQL as well and can't
> seem to find detailed docs on what is planned for the Q4 release. I
> found the road map, but no details pertaining to which sql databases
> will be supported, or what the limitations may be.  Will PostgreSQL be
> supported, and will the data stores only accessible by applications
> running in the app engine? Answers to these questions or a link to
> documentation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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