In my app there's some work that can be done to speed up requests by
pre-generating some cached mappings. I'd like to do this only if there
are no users waiting for the instance, so I plan to do it by
registering a Servlet with the name '_ah_warmup'. The question is,
what is the default and is there a recommended way to extend it?

I don't believe it's legal to use ServletContext to register a Servlet
under a name that has already been registered, so I don't suppose I
should try ServletContext#addServlet('_ah_warmup',
MyWarmerUpper.class),. Though that would be nice because I could use
ServletContext#getServletRegistration('_ah_warmup') to find whatever
the current instance is and include a call to its #service method
during my custom warming.

For now, I'll just use ServletContext#getServletRegistration to find
the class and assume that I can just initialize that and call its
#service method until things break. Unfortunately, it's not apparent
how to easily test warming on GAE...

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