Thanks much for the link! It doesn't directly answer my issue, but it did 
give me a few more ideas about how to go about this... I've watched it three 
times (so far)! :)

Despite seeing the merge-join in action, I don't think it quite matches my 
model, so I'm trying to visualize how to make my data match one of these 
models... and that's not working so far either. Anyone else have ideas? The 
issue that isn't addressed is the third relationship... everything 
demonstrated and talked about in these slides only discuss two 
relationships, and it doesn't appear that a third would work (or at least 
not very well!). 

Also, the limit _is_ over 2000, but sounds like it's 5000 per index. The 
extended index class is pretty interesting, but I'm not completely 
understanding that either... does that mean I create a new instance of the 
index class each time I reach 5000 entries? Or does it mean I create a new 
index class itself (i.e. three instances of userIndexClass or one instance 
of each of userIndexClassOne, userIndexClassTwo and userIndexClassThree)?

Thanks again!


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