
It looks like the syntax is

Query q = new Query(TAG.class);
q.addFilter("urlId == urlParam");
q.addFilter("userId == userParam");

On Jan 21, 4:13 pm, WillSpecht <> wrote:
> The first syntax should be:
> query.setFilter("urlId == urlParam");
> query.setFilter("userId == userParam");
> On Jan 21, 12:36 am, WillSpecht <> wrote:
> > So you want to be able to find all URL's saved by a User that have a
> > certain Tag? Or, all the Users that have Tagged "Tech" to a URL? Or,
> > all the Tags given a URL by a certain User?
> > This can be done with our Model.  It's actually what the second part
> > of the video in the link is about.
> > Merge Join
> > All you need to do is add a second filter.
> > not sure if the syntax is:
> > query.setFilter("urlId == urlParam");
> > or
> > query.setFilter("urlId == urlParam && userId == userParam");
> > This query would return all the Tags that a specific User put on a
> > specific URL.
> > I hope this is what you were looking for.
> > On Jan 20, 5:39 pm, Benjamin Carlson <> wrote:
> > > I just came across this document:
> > >
> > > It helps, but doesn't completely answer my question. It would appear that
> > > what I'm wanting to do is an EAV (entities/attributes/values) type
> > > relationship, however, I'm still not clear on how to do so in GAE/J and
> > > still be able to query how I need to.
> > > As for adding a list to each of User and Tag, it doesn't keep the
> > > relationship between the User, Tag AND URL... just two of the three...
> > > that's what's causing me heartburn here... :) Or, perhaps it does, and I'm
> > > too relationally-minded to see it?
> > > Thanks!
> > > -Ben

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