Hi coders,

I have a little quandary here - I'm in the early stages of developing an app 
that in essence, manages the details of companies. The 'main' objects as it 
were, are accounts (ie a client of ours - it's a bit like a CRM system)

I decided to use the company name as the unique ID, but now this is causing 
problems for when I want to change the name of the company (this does happen 
quite a lot).

I have been modifying Chris Ramsdale's Contacts MVP tutorial with some 
success over the last couple of days, but I find that when I try to update a 
contact by changing the company name or phone number, it simply adds in a 
new one and leaves the old one there (because the IDs are different the put 
doesn't overwrite the old one, whereas if they both had the same Long ID 
they could have different details on the name and phoneNumber fields but 
still the same unique identifier (@Id)).

Now I COULD hack it and pass in the old account name, delete that one and 
create a new account, but that seems like it's going to cause all manner of 

Anyone got any suggestions, or am I answering my own question here? Long IDs 
seem the way to go, but I like the fact that when I use my company name 
string I don't have to perform a put() before I start adding lists of keys 
to it, or is this just a minor thing?


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